Another key player in the Russia collusion conspiracy has just been uncovered: DOJ official Bruce Ohr.
Kelli Ballard
National Correspondent
Antigun Teacher Targets Teens over NRA Shirts
NRA shirt causes student to be kicked out of class.
Antifa Against Doxing — When It’s Their Names and Mugshots
Antifa not happy when their mugshots are released by Berkeley, CA police department.
Antifa Preps for Violence
Antifa is getting trained for violence and preparing to take to the streets.
CalExit Leader: Ditch the Middle Class
The CalExit plans become deeper and darker.
CNN’s Acosta Calls for Media Protest
In a war of wills between Sarah Sanders and Jim Acosta, one of them is clearly outmatched.
Trump Sued for Attacking Obamacare
Cities sue Trump over Obamacare move.
Calexit: Give Half of California to Native Americans
Let’s not just secede from the Union, let’s give half of California to the Native Americas too.
Florida: Hand Over That Gun Now!
Hundreds of citizens forced to give up their guns in Florida.