Specializing in fist-pounding histrionics, Booker is likely to up his drama game for the 2020 race.
Kelli Ballard
National Correspondent
CNN Goes After the Troops?
In the crusade against Trump, everyone is fair game.
Illegals Crime Report – December 20-26
A Chinese student poisoned his roommate over time, despite the pair seeming to get along.
Wealthy Academics Flock to CA While Everyone Else Flees
The wealthy and the well-educated may be moving to the Golden State, but no one else can afford it.
Coming Soon: Free Abortions for the Irish
Advocates react with sickening glee.
Illegals Crime Report – December 13-19
Teens killing teens, child rape, and a spree killer’s 24-hour reign of terror.
Prosecution or Persecution? Masterpiece Baker Jack Phillips in Court Again
Now Jack’s being sued by a transgender, but this time he’s fighting back.
Syria: A Promise Kept
While many officials warn against it, President Trump makes good on his promise to leave Syria.
CA Wants to Tax Your Texts
WTH California, haven’t you taxed your citizens enough yet?