Once again, Democrats are complaining about the regular redistricting efforts that go on every ten years after the Census.
Sarah Cowgill
Betsy DeVos and the Supposedly Evil Christians
When DeVos came to the national stage in November, the left, still reeling from their tragic loss, scrambled to put dossiers together highlighting the thousands of reasons to reject this smart, savvy, eloquent woman who has been an ardent advocate for education for decades.
Peet Bharara: The Left’s Latest Darling
The boneless, headless chicken ranch on the Hill is in a frenzy once again, as a new darling standing in defiance in front of the encroaching Trump tank is born: Peet Bharara, the US Attorney who refused to leave.
Illegal Border Crossings Down, Say New DHS Numbers
Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, released the latest numbers on illegal immigration this week. To say they look promising is a gross understatement.