The Candidates' Market Report In the wake of several mass shootings during recent weeks, and Democrat contenders...
Mark Angelides
The Rabbit Hole: Death Penalty, Draco, and PC Culture
Are laws forever destined to misapplied, arbitrarily used as weapons, and ultimately, to fail us in our...
Primary Failure: Dems Find Greener Pastures?
While the final body count may not be in yet, this is a fantastic opportunity to take a look at the possible...
The Biden Camp Is Living in Terror
The Candidates' Market Report It seems that the G7 Summit in Biarritz has provided a much-needed boost for...
Trump’s Million Murders – Only on CNN
Is President Donald Trump really responsible for more deaths than both Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong combined? If...
The G7 Summit: Kabuki Theater in All Its Glory
As the world watches Biarritz in southern France, what are the likely outcomes of the G7 Summit? Will there be...
The Rabbit Hole: Extremist Dems and the Legend of Tantalus
When politicians promise the earth, when they try to buy votes with unearned wealth and promises, we can look...
The Warren Offensive Challenges Biden Lead
The Candidates' Market Report With President Trump's approval ratings slipping another point this week, the...
As Debate Cut-Off Looms – Dems Drop Like Flies
The Candidates' Market Report President Trump is sitting on 47% approval, the exact same place Obama was during...