Podcast and videocast audiences have recently been treated to a bevy of new media content courtesy of Democratic...
Mark Angelides
American Political Thermometer: Trump Surges, and the Left Flounders
In 1972, New Yorker film critic Pauline Kael said, “I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who...
JFK Files Released: Bombshell or Bust?
As promised, President Donald Trump oversaw the release of thousands of pages of documents related to the 1963...
Senator Schumer Reaps His Own Whirlwind
The Democratic Party is suffering what 16th-century Catholic poet St. John of the Cross described as a “long dark...
The Three Horsemen of the Coming Democrat Apocalypse
As has been ubiquitously noted, the party of former President Joe Biden is currently lacking a leader. And with...
American Political Thermometer: Taking the Temperature of the Nation
There is currently a pervasive notion heralded by the Fourth Estate that President Donald Trump’s administration...
The Government Shutdown Gamble
It is expected that today, March 11, the House of Representatives will vote on passing a six-month funding...
The President, the Press, the Polls, and the Public
If one were to take press pronouncements about President Donald Trump at face value, it would be difficult not to...
Trump’s Pitch for the American Future
President Donald Trump, on March 4, addressed a joint session of Congress, his fifth such speech, in which he...