Elizabeth Warren’s gaffe has turned even the leftist media against her.
Leesa K. Donner
Executive Editor
Will the Real Fauxcahontas Please Stand Up?
Media salivates as Warren’s DNA test backfires.
Polling and Propaganda – Failing to Measure an Unquantifiable Trump
Pollsters and dime store soothsayers can’t seem to manage the Trump Effect.
Hey Dems: Don’t Bet on Beto
Despite the cash pouring in to Beto O’Rourke’s campaign against Ted Cruz, he just doesn’t have voter support.
The Strong, Savvy, Spirited Melania Takes Center Stage
First Lady Melania Trump may be one of the most bullied people in the world, but she takes it in stride.
Fear for Our Sons: A Mother’s Hell in an Age of Scandal
When it is easier than ever to destroy a young man’s life, mothers fear for their children’s futures.
Are We Witnessing a Bureaucratic Coup?
It’s time to realize that the media IS the distraction.
Trump Declassifies: Dems Watergate Moment?
Trump and Watergate: Why the Dems are shaking in their boots.
Analysis: CNN Ratings Sink to New Low
Viewers abandon CNN, leaving Fox and MSNBC to vie for the top spot.