The Harvard study not only shows that the Trump coverage is negative, but there is a plethora of it with “41% of all news stories – three times the amount of coverage received by previous presidents.”
Leesa K. Donner
Executive Editor
How Can a Christian Support President Trump?
Going deeper, vestiges of wonder and disbelief persist among those on the left as to how a confessing Christian could back this president.
Roger Ailes Dead at 77
Roger Ailes leaves behind a controversial legacy that will likely be viewed along partisan lines. He is survived by his wife Elizabeth and son Zachary.
Clapper Should Zip it
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper must really like the spotlight, or perhaps it’s just that he misses it so much.
Motherhood: Still A High and Noble Calling
Most everyone loves to make fun of what they call “Hallmark Holidays” but it has always seemed right and good to me that mothers should have a day set aside in their honor.
FBI’s Most Wanted: A New Director
That low-lying ground where water collects known as The Swamp is saturated in whispers and intrigue today as candidates for a new FBI Director line up for the job as America’s top cop. And every news outlet in and around Washington claims to have the inside scoop. Here’s the latest:
Firing Comey: A View from Inside the Swamp
The political equivalent of fifty-seven Tomahawk missiles was launched in Washington, D.C. last night with the firing of FBI Director James Comey. And today in the nation’s capital, swamp-dwellers are fast and furiously sifting through the wreckage.
Columnist Quits After Being Suspended For Supporting NRA
It seems that St. Louis Post-Dispatch columnist Stacey Washington is plum out of a job.
The Final Curtain Comes Down for the American Circus
The champagne must be flowing freely at PETA. Let’s hope their happy now that the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus has decided to pull down the big top once and for all. The show is over. Done. Kaput. Of course, there are many reasons why the circus has decided to close its doors this month – operating costs are up, attendance is down, changes in the American family – but the most powerful push to dim the lights of the circus assuredly came from animal rights activists. And while PETA and their minions weren’t the only reason for the demise of this slice of Americana, they certainly had a big hand in it – with all five fingers.