Many Americans who are receptive to the possibility that human activities are warming the globe may invoke the...
John Klar
National Correspondent
The Reckless Vermont Strong License Plate Campaign
In the aftermath of recent record flooding in Vermont, Republican Governor Phil Scott announced a state program...
America’s Farmerless Farming Future?
Farmers have steadily declined as a share of the American workforce since the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, undermined...
Does California’s Proposition 12 Threaten States’ Rights?
The constitutional and economic ramifications of California’s Proposition 12, which banned the sale in California...
NASA Looks Away From the Stars Toward Climate Ideology
At an Aug. 14 news conference, NASA and other experts proclaimed that, according to “clear science,” current...
Why Cows Are Good, Not Bad, for the Climate and Humanity
Fraudulent claims about methane production have been leveled against cows by climate alarmists. To get to the...