Not for the first time, a radical proponent of gun control echoes the big lie most favored by those who want to...
Graham J Noble
Chief Political Correspondent & Satirist
AG Garland Faces the Fire Over DOJ Parent Threats
Has the U.S. Department of Justice ever not been politicized to one extent or another? The answer is almost...
Right-Handed? You’re What’s Wrong with Society, Leftists Claim
In their relentless quest to erase every last ray of happiness from life and make everybody feel miserable or...
Garland on Parents Protesting CRT: Not Domestic Terrorists
Attorney General Merrick Garland testified before the House Judiciary Committee on October 21, and, as expected,...
Kamala Harris Says No to the Separation of Church and State
Although Kamala Harris is rumored to be vice president of the United States, no-one knows what she’s doing or...
Jen Psaki’s Hatch Act Problem
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki hasn’t had an easy ride, so far, despite a largely sympathetic press corps....
Let’s Go Brandon! Rejecting Reality to Keep Biden Afloat
The hallmark of authoritarianism is an unrelenting propaganda campaign to convince the people everything they...
China Senses Opportunity and Threatens Taiwan
China has rattled the saber over the island nation of Taiwan for decades but ratcheted up tensions over the past...
Biden’s Real Message: There’s No More Southern Border, Suck It Up
In an interview with Fox News' Chris Wallace on September 26, Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) said of Joe Biden...