Following a Russian withdrawal from the Kyiv area, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg recently announced...
Caroline Adana
Viktor Orbán’s Victory Shadowed by a Cloud of Controversy
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was recently re-elected with a solid margin, but his government faces...
The Role of Propaganda in War
Every war involves propaganda as a weapon, and only much later can we determine which information was accurate...
Have the Oscars Become Culturally Irrelevant?
Interest in the Oscars has declined precipitously for two decades, but when Will Smith smacked comedian Chris...
Trust in Science is Eroding – Should We Be Surprised?
Trust in public institutions has eroded over many years. One of the last bastions of trust was science, but the...
Donald Trump Could be Winning Back Suburban Women
Joe Biden came out on top in the 2020 elections, but his approval rating has fallen steadily since he actually...
Green Energy Isn’t Doing Its Part
President Joe Biden has been scavenging the globe for oil to bring down the oil prices, begging dubious regimes...
Putin’s Deep State – A Valuable Lesson for America
Why is the Russian army struggling in Ukraine despite being a superior force on paper? According to former Wilson...
The Curious Parallels Between the Narratives of Putin and Dems
Before the invasion of Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a national speech in which he laid out...