Admit it: The first time you heard that mothers henceforth should be referred to as “birthing people” so that men...
Caroline Adana
Could Omicron Be Good News?
The new SARS-CoV-2 variant, Omicron, is making governments worldwide prepare for more lockdowns and restrictions....
Growing Coastlines Could Be Good News
According to the U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the scientific consensus holds that sea...
Thanksgiving: A Lesson in Gratitude
Thanksgiving is a tradition that goes back centuries. By modern standards, the first thanksgivers were dirt poor;...
God’s Dog: A Sign of a Christian Cultural Comeback?
Jordan Peterson, a Canadian professor of clinical psychology who wrote the best-selling 12 Rules for Life: An...
Biden Unchained: A Tale of Supply Chain Mismanagement
President Joe Biden recently challenged the press to explain how supply chains work. Liberty Nation takes that...
Plastic Pandemic: Another Crisis Made Worse by the COVID Panic
The pandemic lockdowns starved more than a hundred million people, drove people out of work and into drugs,...
Biden v the White House on $450K for Illegal Immigrants
“Garbage” and "trash" says President Joe Biden about claims he will be giving $450K to illegal immigrant...
New Jersey Governor Race Upsets Power Balance
Although every eye was on the Virginia gubernatorial election, the real sensation happened in New Jersey. Media...