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LN Radio 10/11/20 – A Presidential Campaign Out of Control

LN Radio 10/11/20 – A Presidential Campaign Out of Control

President Trump says no to a virtual debate with Joe Biden. So now that we won’t even have the second debate, will there be another? We examine this latest in a seemingly endless series of shocks to the system, after Mike Pence did his best to clean up some of the self-inflicted damage by the President in the presidential debate with a command performance in his vice presidential debate against Kamala Harris. We review the bidding on where this race stands, and whether Joe Biden’s apparent lead is real and stable with LibertyNation.com Political Columnist Joe Schaeffer, and consider the ultimate question facing shell-shocked American voters – is Joe Biden Capable of Leading a Fractured Nation? Plus, LibertyNation.com Legal Affairs Editor Scott Cosenza jumps on board for talkin’ liberty, featuring George Floyd’s killer out on bail.