The slander of cows for their existential threat to humanity has focused on methane emissions, which allegedly...
Democrats Rake In Donor Cash From EV Behemoth in China
Leading Democrats are accepting political donations bound to bolster the already substantial foothold China has...
Kamala Harris: Problems and Possibilities
By F. Andrew Wolf, Jr. Democrats rose last Monday morning to a somewhat bipolar sense of relief and “now what do...
Elon Musk: Donald Trump’s Not-So-Secret Weapon
It might be said that hell hath no fury like a billionaire scorned. Such is the case with Elon Musk, the...
Supreme Court Shake-Up Courtesy of Lame Duck Biden?
President Joe Biden still has six months left in office before a new POTUS is sworn in. Whether the new...
Latest Polls – Americans Rate Candidates, VPs, and More
Polls can be finicky, and the results can be highly diverse. However, they do offer an insight into popular...
NYC’s Dubious Sanctuary Status Seems to Create Crime
New York City’s police department reported a decrease in crime for the second quarter, but from January 1 to July...
Fox News Vindicated in Lawsuit for Telling the Truth
The defamation suit that Nina Jankowicz – the former director of the Department of Homeland Security’s...
What’s Behind Kamala’s Laugh
When Kamala Harris catapulted to the top of the Democratic ticket just a week ago, one might have anticipated her...