The left offers no real solutions; just more spending and ineffectual policies.
Gov. Brown Claims $9B Surplus, but 20% of CA Is Homeless
California mired in problems as Governor Brown fails to see the wood for the trees.
Ryan Warns House: Immigration Bill Needs Trump
Paul Ryan warns the House that any immigration bill will need Trump’s support.
What’s Hot on the Right – 5.13.18
Today on Liberty Nation’s Audio Playlist: A bittersweet Mother’s Day, the eventual destruction of the Food Stamp program through success and jobs, analysis of the midterm elections, and more!
Missing Mom: A Bittersweet Day for Some
The classic Hallmark card Mother’s Day in America is not everyone’s experience.
Food Stamps Enrollment Plummets with More Jobs and Better Pay
As Trump boosts the economy and streamlines welfare, food stamp enrollments fall dramatically.
Midterm Election Watch: Pennsylvania and Rhode Island
Liberty Nation presents our in-depth analysis of the midterm elections.
What’s Hot on the Right – 5.12.18
Join Liberty Nation as we take on the encroaching censorship of the left, celebrate military mothers, tackle the idea of the Electoral College, and much more!
How Leftist Groups are Policing You Right Now
Your internet, music, and charitable donations all rest on the whim of a leftist ideology.