A riveting tale of violence and bizarre behavior promised in gangster-style trial.
Trump Sneezes – Democrats Plan to Investigate
Those who voted for Democrats on Nov. 6 elected inquisitors and not legislators.
What’s the Legal Basis of the CNN/Acosta Lawsuit?
Liberty Nation breaks down the legal aspects of the CNN case against Trump and the White House.
SAY WHAT? Trump and CNN at War
The American Left, circa 2018, laughter ensues.
Defending Acosta – CNN Sues White House
A so-called “reporter” makes political statements like a cage-match-talking buffoon on cable.
Hillary 4.0? Get Ready for a 2020 Presidential Bid
A former Clinton adviser argues Hillary has been rebranding herself for revenge against Trump.
Adolescent Macron Faces Wrath of The Donald
The kid gloves are off when dealing with childish Macron.
Topping the Leftist Christmas List: Michelle Obama’s New Book
Michelle is inconsistent and paradoxical with a dash of the ever-present leftist know-it-all attitude.
Democratic House: Grownups or Children?
Having achieved control of the House of Representatives, Democrats reach a fork in the road.