Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) definitely knows how to grab the spotlight and bask in it, providing all kinds of fodder for reporters. Her verbal antics know no bounds, and watching or reading her comments is akin to rubber-necking while driving by a vehicle collision scene. It’s morbid, but you just can’t seem to tear your attention away from the wreck. The Democrats’ newest darling has some within her own party cringing and taking a protective step backward, hoping to avoid contamination by association. Let’s take a look at some of her latest and greatest.
Capitalism Is Not Redeemable
Recently, AOC appeared at South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, TX, where she told an adoring audience that capitalism is not redeemable. She said, in her opinion, about capitalism:
“It means that we seek and prioritize profit and the accumulation of money above all else, and we seek it at any human and environmental cost. And to me, that ideology is not sustainable and cannot be redeemed.”
As Democratic strategist Jason Nichols said, we are a capitalist nation integrated with socialist programs such as Social Security and Medicare. The two can coexist, but AOC seems to think capitalism has no redeeming qualities. Plus, Nichols added:
“What she calls socialism isn’t really socialism. If she really understood that, you know, the Nordic model is actually social democracy, that’s totally different than Democratic socialism, and that’s one of the things that they don’t even have an understanding of, the term that they’re using.”
Liberty Nation’s Andrew Moran has written some in-depth pieces demonstrating exactly why socialism doesn’t work, which you can read here, here, here, and here.
Reagan to Blame for Racism
According to AOC, Ronald Reagan is the reason our country suffers from racism. From her mouth to, well, our bleeding ears. The socialist sweetheart lays the blame at the former president’s feet. Obviously, the slave trade, which happened centuries before Reagan was born, had nothing to do with one race claiming superiority over another, right? So, how does she justify this claim?
“I think a perfect example of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working-class Americans against brown and black working-class Americans in order to just screw over all working-class Americans um, is, um, Reaganism in the ‘80s when he started talking about welfare queens. He’s painting this like really resentful vision of essentially black women who were doing nothing, that were sucks on our country, right? That’s not explicit racism but still rooted in a racist caricature. It gives people a logical reason, a logical reason, to toss out the whole social safety net.”
Even from the beyond, Reagan can rebut AOC with one of his famous quotes: “It isn’t so much that liberals are ignorant, it’s just that they know so many things that aren’t so.”
And this pretty much sums up AOC and her outlandish justifications.