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America Unites Over Election Fraud?

Many Americans on both sides believe something is not right with the election.

America has been plagued by political polarization not seen since the Civil War. Still, in a stunning turn of events, a new poll indicates that bipartisan consensus is forming that Joe Biden won the presidency with election fraud. However, most Democrats still think that President Donald Trump should concede.

Almost all political polls were discredited in the 2020 presidential election. They were wrong in 2016 and did even worse this time around. On average, they were off by around 5%, which is the difference between a landslide and a close race. However, a few pollsters stand out as exceptions. One of them is Rasmussen Reports, which called the election result both in 2016 and 2020 within less than 2%. It has proven its credibility.

Therefore, Rasmussen’s recent poll – in which it asked voters if they thought that Biden won with election fraud — should be taken seriously. Its poll shows that 47% of Americans believe the election was stolen.

In recent years, such controversial questions have divided the populace along party lines. Therefore, it is noteworthy that there is a bipartisan belief in voter fraud.  As expected, 75% of Republicans believe that is “very likely” or “somewhat likely” that “Democrats stole votes or destroyed pro-Trump votes in several states to ensure that Biden would win.” More surprisingly, a whopping 30% of Democrats believe the same and 39% of independents. In terms of demographics, the oldest voters believed most strongly that election fraud had taken place, while the youngest voters had the most trust in the result.

Majority for Concession

Rasmussen also found that 61% of likely voters want Trump to concede to Biden, 84% of Democrats, 37% of Republicans, and 59% of independents.

First, let us ponder the fantastic fact that a full 16% of Democrats and 31% of independents do not want Trump to concede in an age of extreme polarization! There are two possible explanations for this: Either they have sufficient integrity to want to hand Trump the victory because they think cheating is wrong, or they secretly voted for Trump.

Perhaps more disturbing, 47% of Democrats who believe that the election was stolen still want Biden to be president. Does this reflect Democrats’ willingness to cheat? The corresponding number for Republicans is 32%. Does it mean that they are, much like President Richard Nixon, noble losers who would rather concede to fraud than to tear the country apart?

Media Narrative

The legacy media have been pushing the narrative that there is “no evidence for significant and widespread election fraud” non-stop and have done their utmost to legitimize Biden as the president-elect. Despite their efforts, nearly half of Americans and shockingly many Democrats believe otherwise.

This finding may reflect another rare bipartisan unity: Both sides have exceptionally low confidence in the legacy media, and the very integrity of presidential elections.


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