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Spineless MSM Turns on Fauxcahontas

by | Oct 18, 2018 | Articles, Politics

Fauxcahontas is in real political hot water. With the release of extensive DNA testing that proves she is no more a Cherokee Indian than the rest of white America, she was at first lauded and now is being excoriated by the leftist media she so covets.

Tragic, I know.

Poor Elizabeth Warren. The advocacy media that she banks on to bolster her has all but turned-tail and run for the hills. The top two results in a Google search — and we all know they don’t play it straight — were  “Elizabeth Warren might have actually made things worse with her DNA gambit” and  “The Elizabeth Warren Fiasco.” And these are just from CNN and The New York Times.

More headlines are questioning her wisdom or lack thereof from coast to coast, including (but not limited to):

Politico: “Warren Stumbles with ‘Native American’ Rollout”

The Hill: “Dem Strategist Says Warren Taking DNA Test was ‘Tone Deaf’”

HuffPost: “Elizabeth Warren Just Proved She Can’t Beat Donald Trump in 2020”

Meanwhile, we will resist the urge to say the Cherokee Nation is on the warpath, but suffice it to say they are not pleased. After their blistering press release about Warren and her quest for Cherokee legitimacy, it seems the Massachusetts senator has ignited a fire she can’t seem to put out.

Elizabeth Warren

Political Consequences Aside

The political consequences of Ms. Warren’s recent actions have been accurately described as “inexplicable and self-immolating,” as reported by dozens of news and commentary sites including, Liberty Nation.  But now she’s managed to turn the friendly establishment media into a foe. If there’s one thing the press hates, it is to be made to look like the idiots they are by their friends – and Warren has single-handedly managed to do that with her need to identify as something she clearly is not.

In other words, Senator Warren has become a political laughingstock, and the MSM has no intention of going down with her.


And how did all this happen? Well, quite simply, she took the bait that President Trump dangled in front of her. It’s never a politically astute move to allow your opponent to put you on defense. The usual methods are to either ignore such tactics or change the subject. But Warren did neither, and now her friends in the so-called mainstream media are questioning her judgment.

As Kurt Bardella put forth in HuffPost, “Warren’s misguided efforts to definitively address the controversy have now severely backfired. Her ambition has driven her to make an unforced error that is only exacerbated by its timing.”

Ah yes, the timing. Looking back at some of the great upsets in American political history, one recognizes the importance of calculating the right message at the right point in the game. James Comey opening up Hillary’s email morass is one prime example of upsetting things when one is almost at the finish line. Releasing George W. Bush’s driving while under the influence record was another. If timing is considered important in life, it can be said that it’s downright crucial in politics. So, when the Democrats should be “all-hands-on-deck” and focusing on the midterms, they instead find themselves up to Mrs. Warren’s high – but not Cherokee – cheekbones in political muck.

[perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=”18″]If timing is considered important in life, it can be said that it’s downright crucial in politics.[/perfectpullquote]

Now all the GOP has to do to make hay is heed the words of Democratic strategist Paul Begala: “Never interrupt your opponent when he’s destroying himself.”


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Leesa K. Donner

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