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Democrats for Life: I Want My Party Back!

by | Jul 21, 2018 | Abortion, Narrated News

Despite the DNC’s hard left turn on abortion last year and the general idea that a Democrat vote is a vote for the unrestricted right to terminate at any stage of a pregnancy – not to mention gun control and hate speech rules – there is actually a group of Democrats who don’t conform to that norm.

They call themselves the Democrats for Life of America (DFLA), and they’re having a weekend conference in Denver from Friday, July 20 to Sunday, July 22. The Democrats for Life aren’t a stand-alone party, but rather a confederation of Democrats who hope for a spot back under the “Big Tent,” as they call it. That’s the theme of their conference: I Want My Party Back!

On the Issues

While the insane social justice crowd takes the DNC farther from reality than ever before, the DFLA seems quite conservative by comparison. Make no mistake, they’re still big-government, taxes-should-pay-for-everything Democrats. For example, they still believe in the fictitious right to “free” healthcare. But they believe that life begins at conception and that it’s the government’s responsibility to protect all lives, even those still in the womb.

In line with those pro-life values, they don’t believe in the death penalty, assisted suicide, or embryonic stem cell research. They do believe, however, that Republicans put forth a “destructive economic and social agenda.”

Aside from being pro-life but not Republican and calling for socialized healthcare for all, the DFLA doesn’t have an official stance on most other issues. However, a look at the voting records of those politicians endorsed by the group – Representatives Collin Peterson (D-MN), Dan Lipinski (D-IL), Dawn Barlow (D-TN), Paul Spencer (D-AR), and Senators Bob Casey (D-PA), Joe Donnelly (D-IN), and Joe Manchin (D-WV) – are all consistently against abortion and for just about every socialist entitlement program there is. Several are even pro-gun and are highly rated by the NRA. As Governor of West Virginia, Joe Manchin even vetoed a bill that restricted the sale of automatic weapons!

A Democrat You Can Approach?

For those who despair that the American political divide may be too wide a chasm to bridge, take heart! Gun-toting Democrats who say Roe v. Wade should be overturned? Even if they would still tax us to death, there is at least a considerable amount of common ground on which we can meet. Now, if only they would see the light on liberty versus claim rights. Ah well, baby steps.

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James Fite


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