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Why Is Antony Blinken Funding Global Atheism?

Cultural barriers standing in the way of the new homogenous world order must be removed.

House Republicans want to know why the Biden State Department, helmed by Antony Blinken, is promoting atheism abroad. Actually, the progressive ruling class prefers the term humanism. Its religion-free value system lies at the heart of the “rules-based international order” these Western elites are feverishly working to construct.

“Rep. Mike McCaul [R-TX], who chairs the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Rep. Chris Smith, [R-NJ] who heads the panel’s human rights subcommittee, are reviving a nearly yearlong inquiry into a 2021 State Department grant they say is designed to expand the influence of atheists and humanists in the Middle East and North Africa,” Susan Crabtree wrote in an illuminating Aug. 15 article for Real Clear Politics.

Your Taxpayer Money at Work

“We write once again to ask why it is in America’s interest to promote atheism overseas and why the department refuses to provide certain documents that shed light on that misguided decision,” the lawmakers stated in an Aug. 3 letter, which was also signed by House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Accountability Chair Brian Mast (R-FL), to State Department Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Acting Assistant Secretary Erin Barclay and State’s Office of International Religious Freedom Ambassador-at-Large Rashad Hussain.

“The trio specifically took issue with the State Department’s April 2021 decision to solicit bids for a $500,000 grant titled ‘Promoting and Defending Religious Freedom Inclusive of Atheist, Humanist, Non-Practicing and Non-Affiliated Individuals,’” Crabtree noted. “The funding notification states that the recipients’ programs should be designed to impact two to three countries across South and Central Asia or the Middle East and North Africa.” The letter to the State officials makes clear that the department is funding an international activist group dedicated to fostering a so-called “freedom from religion.”

“The grant eventually went to Humanists International, or HI, an organization aimed at promoting humanism, an outlook and system of thought attaching prime importance to human effort rather than divine or supernatural powers,” Crabtree continues. “Even a cursory look into the operations and mantra of Humanists International (HI) calls the Department’s claim [of not funding activist organizations] into question,” the three GOP representatives accurately assert.

First, let’s define the term “humanism” as used by Westerners today. Why not let Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former White House chief medical adviser who was the public face of the coercive federal social curbs wielded against Americans during the coronavirus pandemic, explain it? After all, Fauci has specifically cited humanism as a key motivating force in his life.

“The [progressive Roman Catholic] Jesuit education I had the good fortune to receive in high school and in college inspired my interest in philosophy and imparted important life principles,” Fauci said while receiving the 2021 “Humanist of the Year” award from the American Humanist Association, whose motto is “Good Without God.” “My outlook has since evolved to align with the concept of making the world a better place rather than being involved in organized religion. Yet these Jesuit principles have been an invaluable guide for decades in my role as a public health official.”

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(Photo by: Michael Siluk/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

A religious desire to make the world a better place without religion. This is the humanist ethos, and it just happens to dovetail perfectly with a progressive globalist agenda that aims to obliterate distinctive traditional cultures found in independent sovereign nations as obstacles to the new era.

Destroying Old Identities in the Name of New Atheism

Every year, Humanists International releases a “Freedom of Thought” report outlying what it declares to be threats to the rights of those who seek to be completely free from religion. Highlighting the plight of those imprisoned in theocratic Islamic nations certainly seems reasonable, but HI does not stop there.

A “Ratings System” of offenses against humanism contains a section titled “Systemic Discrimination” that reveals an overt hostility to the remnants of what once was a robust religious heritage in the West.

Among stated signs of discrimination:

  • “There is systemic religious privilege.”
  • “There is state funding of at least some religious schools.”
  • “Religious schools have powers to discriminate in admissions or employment.”

If you click on this column, a box comes up that states: “Religious or ideological instruction is mandatory in at least some public schools (without secular or humanist alternatives).”

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Photo by Jessica Rinaldi/The Boston Globe via Getty Images)

Among the nations listed as violating the rights of atheists in this manner are Catholic and Protestant Germany, overwhelmingly Catholic Ireland, historically Protestant Switzerland and the United Kingdom in Europe, and heavily Catholic South and Central American countries such as Argentina, the Dominican Republic, and Peru.

The “How countries are rated” section that immediately follows is even more revealing. Under a heading titled “Family, community, society, religious courts and tribunals,” Humanists International labels as an offense to the rights of atheists, “[g]overnment authorities [that] push a socially conservative, religiously inspired agenda, without regard to the rights of those with progressive views.”

Anyone who has been casually following the cultural decline of the US over the past 60-odd years should fully understand just how elastic and all-encompassing that definition can be. Merely holding “socially conservative” views is akin to bigotry against humanists in the eyes of HI.

It cannot be stressed enough that the globalist spirit is fired by a belief system that can only properly be called religious, even if God is not part of the equation. It is not surprising, then, to see Humanists International cite in its annual report the grave importance it places on global crusades such as climate change and the organized world government response to the coronavirus pandemic.

From the preface to HI’s 2021 “Freedom of Thought” report written by the group’s president, Andrew Copson:

“In addition to these new boundary conditions [restricting the freedom of the non-religious], one big shadow hangs over the human rights of every person considered in this report. Last year, we drew attention to the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on every vulnerable minority. This year, especially with [the United Nations’ conference] COP26, our attention is recalled to the climate change crisis. That must surely be foremost in our minds as we consider the long term prospects for those whose marginalization and persecution this report highlights.”

Globalism is a horizontal religion. Its eyes are fixed solely on the material realm. Humanism is the creed that dominates the minds of its adherents. Man does not need God; he will be the instrument of his own salvation. And the outmoded beliefs of distinct groups of people cannot be allowed to stand in the way. This is what Antony Blinken and his State Department are funding.


Liberty Nation does not endorse candidates, campaigns, or legislation, and this presentation is no endorsement.

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