Whether white supremacy or white nationalism – not necessarily the same – is on the rise is perhaps open to debate. One certainty, though, is that the political left, via a subservient legacy media, pushes the narrative that these racially motivated extremists are becoming more active and successful in spreading their hatred.
So many on the left would like everybody to believe that President Donald Trump was elected by white supremacists, and that his rise to the Oval Office has driven an increase in white supremacist sentiment. The recent massacres at two Christchurch mosques in New Zealand add fuel to this myth.
Where Does the New Zealand Killer Fit In?

Brenton Tarrant – Suspected New Zealand Shooter
In the aftermath of the mass shootings, the left focused on the totally unfounded idea that Trump’s rhetoric inspires such acts of terror. Never mind that Trump’s rhetoric is not racially divisive in nature. The president’s views and agenda could certainly be described as nationalist, but white nationalist? There is no evidence to support that allegation.
In discussing the alleged New Zealand shooter’s motives, the left focused on his admission – written in a lengthy manifesto – that his ultimate goal was to drive Muslim “invaders” out of white countries, where the majority is of European descent. What these leftists conveniently omitted, however, was the alleged gunman’s claims that he did not support Trump’s policies and did not consider the president a good leader. The alleged shooter also admitted to being a former communist and stated that the country that best reflected his own social and political ideas was the People’s Republic of China.
So, this alleged killer cannot be neatly awarded any one political label. He stated that he was right-wing or left-wing, depending on one’s definitions. For certain, he is a white nationalist, though not necessarily a white supremacist.
Who Drives White Nationalism?
If white supremacism or white nationalism is indeed on the rise, it is very far from becoming a serious threat, and its rise can be attributed mostly to left-wing policy and left-wing rhetoric in both Europe and the United States. Just as every racial group does when it is victimized, whites tend to get a little tired of it and a little angry. Over the past ten years or so – and intensifying since Trump became president – the left constantly has berated, belittled, and demonized white people — and particularly white men – for being white. At the same time, progressive politicians advocate for virtually uncontrolled and limitless immigration.
In the face of that onslaught, the majority of rational people, though they may feel disgusted and insulted, will generally just shrug and shake their heads at the stupidity of it all. But a small minority – the disenfranchised, the angry, the mentally unstable, and those who genuinely harbor racist attitudes – will decide that enough is enough. It is those people who gravitate toward online white supremacist websites, forums, and message boards. A few of them may go beyond to carry out acts of violence against non-whites. Many might never have taken that step toward active participation were it not for the constant progressive drumbeat that if you are white, you were born a racist, privileged, evil usurper.
The Most Hateful and Murderous Ideology Is …
In the wake of the Christchurch atrocities, it was interesting to witness the left rallying around Muslims and pretending to fear that more attacks from white nationalists were likely. Interesting, because tens of thousands of Muslims across the world have been slaughtered in the name of a hateful ideology that the left dare not criticize and will label anyone who does as an Islamophobe. That ideology, of course, is Islamism, a blend of left-wing political thought and a violent version of Islamic teaching.
Islamist extremists have killed more Muslims just in the past 50 years than white supremacists ever have or ever will. Islamist extremists have killed more Jews in the past 50 years than any other hate group or terror group. Islamist extremists have killed more Christians – white and non-white – than any other group. Yet, the progressive left silences any talk of Islamism being a threat.
The discussion of white nationalism as a serious threat to anyone is entirely disingenuous. Illegal aliens in the United States murder more American citizens every year than do white nationalists. Are Illegal aliens then not a greater threat than white supremacists? For asking the question, one would be labeled a racist by the progressive left.
The question Democratic presidential candidates should be asked when they raise the subject of white nationalism and white supremacy – which they certainly will, at every possible occasion over the next few months – is this: At what point does any one particular group, or followers of any specific ideology, become a “threat”? If this is just about body counts, then we, as a country, need to deal with Islamism and illegal immigration before we get to fearing the ramblings of a very small group of unhinged white racists.